Cloudesire REST API Reference
We use Springfox to autogenerate Swagger definitions for the Cloudesire API.
API are grouped into different areas:
- Billing API: Subscription, Invoice, Order and many resources useful when developing a Syndicated application
- Catalog API: Product, ProductVersion, ExtraResource... Useful when mass import of products into the catalog
- Channel API: Distributor and Reseller price lists, useful for mass import of price lists
- Cloud Apps API: for BareVM products
- Cloud providers API: to manage the available Cloud Providers, Instance Types, and their pricing
- Users API: users and companies
- Admin API: administrative API, mainly for maintenance purposes
- Environment API: the configuration of the entire platform
Swagger endpoints are reachable at (concatenate to API domain):
- /v2/api-docs?group=admin
- /v2/api-docs?group=billing
- /v2/api-docs?group=catalog
- /v2/api-docs?group=channel
- /v2/api-docs?group=cloudApps
- /v2/api-docs?group=cloudProviders
- /v2/api-docs?group=users
- /v2/api-docs?group=environment
You can use those endpoints to generate swagger clients in a variety of programming language leveraging the swagger-codegen project.
You can also easily generate a Postman collection, as detailed here ([archived version][webarchive])